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Actualidad, eventos relevantes y desarrollos significativos en diversas áreas, reflejando la realidad de distintos contextos, brindando perspectivas enriquecedoras para estar al día.
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Personas. Procesos. Tecnología.

Creemos que los procesos claros, con el apoyo de la tecnología adecuada, generan un entorno donde las personas trabajan más felices, y en consecuencia vuelve a tu empresa más productiva.


World class technology.
Soluciones de primer nivel para tu empresa.

Business Insights

Jun 23, 2023 7:05:47 PM6 min read

Top 10 causes of job dissatisfaction

Getting the job of your dreams is not easy, because, in the same way that there is a personnel selection process to choose the best candidates who most adequately represent the business culture of a ...
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Jun 1, 2023 10:28:00 AM4 min read

Main processes of a human resources department

The processes of a human resources department must primarily consider the staffing needs of the company. When expanding the number of personnel, clear objectives must be defined. The processes in ...
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May 29, 2023 11:00:00 AM4 min read

Guide: How job manuals are made

The design of well-defined job positions is increasingly important in the task of attracting and retaining a motivated workforce capable of generating high-quality products and services.
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Mar 22, 2022 3:45:08 PM4 min read

Human Resources: personnel selection flow

The human resources area is very important when it comes to managing the flow of personnel selection because the success or stagnation of a company will depend on the choice made since every ...
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Feb 7, 2022 1:46:50 PM5 min read

How to be efficient at home office: pomodoro technique

Perhaps it has happened to you that with the outbreak of the pandemic, work presence has been reduced to a minimum or directly replaced by the home office and remote work modality. For companies, ...
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Jan 31, 2022 7:00:08 PM4 min read

9 best practices for managing a remote work team

The access that globalization gives us today has affected many aspects of our lives and work has not been left out of this. We live in an interconnected world, where the concept of traditional work ...
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Jan 25, 2022 2:12:04 PM4 min read

Employee experience: effective performance review

If there is someone to pay special attention to, then it is your employees. A successful organization is the product of the efficient work of happy, passionate, and engaged employees. So how do you ...
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Sep 16, 2021 12:51:50 PM2 min read

Why is it so important to train your employees?

At present, companies try to be more and more competitive; that's why they improve their processes. To carry out these improvements, it is necessary to have employees duly trained to achieve the ...
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Sep 16, 2021 12:49:33 PM11 min read

5 main employee surveys you should know

For a small company, it's not difficult to know and take care of its employees. This is one of the advantages of a collaborative environment. People know each other in person and communication is ...
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Sep 15, 2021 6:03:25 PM6 min read

5 tips to increase employee loyalty and commitment

Every team manager will agree: keeping qualified, talented, devoted, committed, and loyal employees is one of the most important parts of their job.
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Sep 10, 2021 12:40:16 PM6 min read

9 tips for a successful employee onboarding process

A study by Bersin by Deloitte shows that, without the right onboarding for new employees, companies can lose 4% of their employees the first month and, even worse, about 22% before the first 90 days.
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