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What are good practices in social networks?
May 20, 2022 12:35:00 PM1 min read

What are good practices in social networks?

Today, many companies and organizations use social networks as a communication channel that allows them to be in permanent contact with their customers and potential customers. Therefore, having and maintaining good practices in their use is very important. This is because bad practices can hurt the company or organization.

So, what practices are considered good for the correct use of social networks? Well, we could mention many, but here we are going to provide you with a list of practices that are considered key for the use of social networks, in this way you will be able to reflect the interest of the company regarding your customers and potential customers.

<<< 4 strategies to increase sales through social networks >>>

Good practices in social networks:

  1. Make a plan of what you want to publish; this planning should be as detailed as possible: Type of publication (image, album, video, etc.), the objective that you pursue with it, text that will accompany it, etc.
  2. Check the veracity of the content that is published and its sources. (You should always cite sources)
  3. Think about our target audience when generating the content, so that the impact of the publications is the desired one.
  4. Accepting reviews on Facebook gives the brand more credibility because they are faithful reviews of customer experiences.
  5. Respond to comments and messages as soon as possible.
  6. Positively respond to the public and always with great respect.
  7. Keep networks up to date.

Having these good practices as a built-in habit when working on social networks will guarantee their success and, therefore, will contribute to the success of our business. If the networks are not going to be properly monitored, perhaps it is better not to have them to avoid giving a bad image of our business.



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