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Casos de estudio

Historias remarcables, entre fracasos y éxitos, sobre ejemplos de empresas de diferentes sectores, tamaños y países; para aprender, conocer e informarse.


Actualidad, eventos relevantes y desarrollos significativos en diversas áreas, reflejando la realidad de distintos contextos, brindando perspectivas enriquecedoras para estar al día.
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Personas. Procesos. Tecnología.

Creemos que los procesos claros, con el apoyo de la tecnología adecuada, generan un entorno donde las personas trabajan más felices, y en consecuencia vuelve a tu empresa más productiva.


World class technology.
Soluciones de primer nivel para tu empresa.

Commercial process improvement and inbound strategy: Box Point

Caso de éxito

Commercial process improvement and inbound strategy: Box Point

A clear goal where we want to get




On September 25, 2018, Jordi Aguilar was searching on Google how to solve a problem at his company when he came across our blog. When he visited our website, he found guidelines and useful resources he could use for his marketing and commercial strategies. 

In October 2018 (less than a month), he scheduled a meeting with an Inbound specialist from Drew to discuss how it worked, what was it, and how it could help him on his work. 


How we helped 

We began a process that lasted 365 days (and it even continues today), with a quick weekly meeting and a monthly follow-up meeting, with a well-organized agenda. 

After several meetings, we understood the situation that Box Point was in, and we started to develop a strategy that could solve these challenges:  

Demand depended a lot on the word of mouth (recommendations) or on the database, which resulted in an inconsistent channel of lead generation. 

→ Detecting opportunities at an early stage and create a commercial relationship through a financial transaction. 

→ Turning inactive customers into active ones by making them buy more or buy again sooner. 

→ Setting a clearer prospecting and customer searching process. 



Thanks to our accompanying process and with a clear goal of what we wanted to achieve, we were able to implement HubSpot Marketing Pro and Sales Pro successfully at Box Point.

We implemented HubSpot for their commercial and marketing processes, with real-time dashboards to achieve:  

  1. An updated, smart and detailed commercial follow-up.
  2. Minimum or no human errors.
  3. Everything is based on the same information.
  4. Knowing a real-time closure forecast. 
  5. Commercial actions in one place. 


Today, Box Point is expanding to other continents and it's on which we are focused now. 

Sede central Barcelona, Catalonia
Tamaño de la empresa 10 employees
Industria household appliances, electrical equipment and electronics
Año de fundación 2005
Objetivo del proyecto Improvement of commercial process, and application of inbound in the industry
Duración del proyecto 12 Months