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Personas. Procesos. Tecnología.

Creemos que los procesos claros, con el apoyo de la tecnología adecuada, generan un entorno donde las personas trabajan más felices, y en consecuencia vuelve a tu empresa más productiva.


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Nov 14, 2022 3:16:46 PM1 min read

What is a software map?

A software map is a diagram of the technological management systems, oriented to execute different operations or decision-making used in a company. It translates what needs to be done on a digital platform.

It represents the software systems' static, dynamic, and evolutionary information and their development processes to configure information visualization maps. It is an essential tool for software diagnosis and analysis. Its main applications include risk analysis and quality monitoring of code, equipment, activity, or software development progress.

It promotes software engineering effectiveness concerning all artifacts, processes, and participants throughout software engineering and maintenance. Likewise, it constitutes an important resource for facing risks, solving problems, and providing effective means of communication to reduce the communicational gap between the participants and the information flows within software development.

It helps to visualize the information obtaining knowledge that allows us to understand how the software works. It provides the necessary structural context for the correct interpretation of performance indicators.

As a communication tool, a software map facilitates decision-making to manage the resources to be used to implement process automation software, to know how it works, and the key points to take into account to reduce the risks that arise over time.


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