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Jan 25, 2022 2:48:16 PM2 min read

7 effective marketing strategies for Christmas

The arrival of the end of the year and the holidays is accompanied by cities with illuminated and decorated streets and historical sites. The festive spirit of the season is felt everywhere. People in our business should have the same feeling: feel at ease, comfortable, feel that the same feeling of celebration that they have is shared. We must have effective marketing strategies for Christmas to generate empathy with the potential customer. The holiday season is key because if we can generate good feelings towards these ideas, they will most likely end up being our customers.

How can we achieve empathy with potential customers? What are effective marketing strategies for Christmas that we should implement? We propose seven successful tips for you to start to attract customers and boost your sales at Christmas.

  • Offer products or prices for a limited time. During the holiday season, we can offer our customers special products that we usually do not have in stock or lower prices for those weeks before the celebration. Knowing this, people will rush to buy because it is convenient for them and they do not want to miss out on the opportunity.
  • Decorate the business premises. A commercial premise that shows interest in the time in which they live attracts more attention, the customer is more eager to go shopping because they are attracted by the decoration, and while they're there, they can make purchases.
  • Get the most out of the Internet (social networks). Social networks are always our allies in a business. During the holidays, even more so! There we can share offers, special products, promotions with different forms of payment, make raffles, etc.
  • Hold a Christmas raffle. Raffles attract people so it is a good way to attract customers who do not know us yet and to retain current ones. Raffles show that the company cares about the customer; they can be made among the people who make purchases at the store in a certain period, or also through social networks. If what we are looking for is to make our business more famous, it is convenient to carry out the raffle on social networks, so our company's name and our content go viral.
  • Give customers a "gift" for their purchase at Christmas time. Each customer who purchases in the month of December, for example, can be given a Christmas gift. From a voucher to redeem at another store, a discount for future purchases at the store, among other options.
  • Make suggestions or gift combos. To achieve a greater number of sales, you can suggest combos of two or more products at discounted prices, or use the idea of "buying 'x' product, you get 'y' as a gift. These proposals always work and are more effective in the holiday season.

Are you ready to implement all these effective marketing strategies for Christmas? Don't miss this time to sell. Towards the end of the year, people buy much more and we as entrepreneurs must know how to maximize it so that our business exceeds sales expectations.

If you want to boost your sales, even more, download the Definitive Guide to Sell Better and Faster for free.

What are your strategies to sell at Christmas? Leave us your comment!



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