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3 key strategies to generate demand
Jul 4, 2022 12:55:00 PM1 min read

3 key strategies to generate demand

Customers can arrive alone but for this, we have to speak their same language, one that appeals to what they need and want to know about our offer.

Demand generation is about creating a desire for our product or service in the minds of our potential customers. However, the creation of desire happens by making them aware that the value of what we offer is not only to solve needs but also to satisfy whims that go beyond solving problems. With this in mind, we must be aware that the desire for our product is not always going to be about the 'desire to buy' but about details such as wanting to learn more about what is offered, knowing more about the brand, staying informed about what happens with the products/services of interest and to finally try what is offered. Below we share 3 different ways to generate demand for our product/service and drive customers towards a strong desire to buy.


1. Create content that speaks of the value offered by your company and/or brand:

Selling a product is about selling a promise of value and for this, you must think of a content creation plan that speaks of that value and how it is closely related to the specific needs and desires of prospective customers.


2. Let your current customers talk about your product:

No one speaks better about a product than those who have used it. Letting users talk about their experience gives a more personal and human perspective on what is promised with the product or service. Here it is key to select the experiences of the customers who are the target audience and for this, it is very useful to have these profiles clear.


3. Offer plugins that speak the same language as your customers:

When exploring a product, you always expect to instantly respond to a need for information or a desire to learn more after you have explored it. Offering articles, guides, or graphic pieces such as infographics and graphs to download and save speak a language closer to the customer since they instantly appeal to specific needs and can generate greater visibility and customer retention.

Do you want to learn more about how to generate demand and increase your sales?




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