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Sep 1, 2022 6:42:12 PM5 min read

Strategies to build trust and team collaboration

The most successful companies are not those that sell a lot, but those that have teams of efficient and productive collaborators who combine their talents and skills in pursuit of a common goal, whose results are mostly positive. In a job that is carried out where there is an atmosphere of trust, all its workers are motivated to give their best, and that translates into the best results.

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Promoting trust and team collaboration constantly in a company is not an easy task, since many times, employees are not motivated enough to carry out all the tasks they have to. This influences the performance of other workers who could feel frustrated.

However, trust and team collaboration are fundamental elements of employee loyalty, which in turn promotes increased productivity within the company. To achieve this, you have to reflect on the type of leader you are for your collaborators, and if they consider you an authority or authoritarian figure.

In the first case, likely, gaining their trust isn't complicated, but in the second case, you will have to rethink if you want that type of leadership based on the domination of others when it is much easier to achieve better performance if you demonstrate knowledge but also humility. In other words, if you want your collaborators to trust you and work as a team, lead by example by working together.

For this reason, it is necessary to define actions or strategies aimed at fostering that trust and team collaboration, so that the entire company is impregnated with a harmonious and committed work environment, where everyone participates with ideas for improvement.

Here we reveal a series of strategies to promote trust and team collaboration that you can implement.


  • Work collectively for a common goal

Teamwork is extremely important for the growth of a company because we already know how effective it is to have the collaboration of all workers to successfully achieve a specific purpose that benefits all areas.

For this to be possible, you must not only be their business guide, but respect must prevail among collaborators and assume from the beginning the commitment that was asked of them when they joined the human team. Any disagreement between any of them must be resolved with good communication.


  • To face a position of leadership-oriented to the guide and not to the authority

What kind of leader do you want to be? As we pointed out at the beginning, the best leader is not the one who commands but the one who knows how to command, the one who makes his/her authority teaching to his/her team of collaborators, and teaching is a service. Therefore, true leadership is about service, that is, you have to put yourself at the service of your work team and not the other way around.

They are giving you their effort and talent, so reward them with gratitude and benefits, so that they are always motivated because that way they will understand that you value them.

Now, if the work environment is not the best because there are confrontations between collaborators, find the time to meet with them individually and in groups to find out the causes that triggered the conflict.

Once you know what they are, agree on solutions with those involved, but allow them the freedom to solve their problems, and only intervene fully if the conflict puts the stability of the company at risk.


  • Generate a collaborative environment by motivating human personnel

It's common and human to get demotivated at work, and this often happens when trust and team collaboration are eroded or never really existed. For this reason, it is essential to constantly motivate employees because their performance in their functions will improve significantly if they are not stressed or upset.

To achieve this and maintain it over time, promote communication seeking to get to know your collaborators in-depth to effectively get along with each profile. Since we are all unique individuals and have different personalities, analyzing them will give you a strategic advantage to deal with each case and not die trying.

It can be helpful to ask your collaborators to take a personality test to guide you on how to establish healthy relationships with them and anticipate their concerns and problems, offering solutions that reinforce trust and team collaboration.


  • Positively manage the failures of the company.

Achieving a positive view of failure is one of the most difficult tasks to perform, for the simple reason that failure is a serious blow to the morale and pride of any person. However, this does not have to represent an obstacle to rescuing something good from the bad that the idea of failure suggests.

In this sense, it is better to take the risk than not to try, even if the results are not as expected, since, otherwise, we will never know if it was possible to achieve it or not by following a certain method.

Therein lies the learning that failure can bring you. Therefore, from now on, look at this eventuality with different eyes and understand that you will no longer make the same mistake twice because you already know, and your team knows, that they have to go another way.

<<< Collaborative work: the role of processes >>>


  • Foster permanent communication between areas and within them.

And finally, permanent communication is the basis for maintaining a good working relationship throughout the company over time. Communication resolves conflicts, creates bonds, alliances, and guarantees the continuity of the ideals of an organization. Do not stop keeping the feedback within the company and trust and team collaboration will be guaranteed.


In short, to foster trust and team collaboration, you must maintain constant communication with all your collaborators and be a leader who is at the service of others, capable of providing them with the motivation they need to maximize their full potential to achieve the objectives that your company pursues.


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