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Oct 29, 2021 5:20:06 PM1 min read

Sales management: Using a CRM tool

To manage your contacts and sales opportunities correctly, you should have a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) in your company. 

It's a tool that is gaining importance in the market because it's easy to use and it allows you to follow up and keep a record of all your commercial relationships. 

Did you know that companies that use a CRM close 72% more of their sales opportunities?

This is why (and to summarize the functionalities of a CRM) you can find a video below that will explain to you everything you need to know:


At the same time, you can find a list of the CRM tools you can use but we suggest you take a good look at their functionalities, and how they charge you (per number of users, per contacts, etc.) so you can compare them to know what you need:

In our company, we use the HubSpot CRM because it's easy to use; however, we have tried Zoho, Sugar, and Odoo but they weren't suitable for the problems we had. 

We can help you choose the right CRM for you (of course, free of charge as well). We hope you find the system that better suits your company so you can improve your sales management! 


Do you know another CRM?
Please, leave it in the comments so we can add it to the list!  



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