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Historias remarcables, entre fracasos y éxitos, sobre ejemplos de empresas de diferentes sectores, tamaños y países; para aprender, conocer e informarse.


Actualidad, eventos relevantes y desarrollos significativos en diversas áreas, reflejando la realidad de distintos contextos, brindando perspectivas enriquecedoras para estar al día.
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Personas. Procesos. Tecnología.

Creemos que los procesos claros, con el apoyo de la tecnología adecuada, generan un entorno donde las personas trabajan más felices, y en consecuencia vuelve a tu empresa más productiva.


World class technology.
Soluciones de primer nivel para tu empresa.

Problemas en el área comercial que te están haciendo perder ventas

Contenido editorial

How to develop a modern commercial area

Automation, innovation and results in a constantly changing world

A modern commercial area is characterized by its strategic approach, customer orientation and agility to adapt.



What is the secret to accelerating sales growth?

While people and processes generally precede systems, sales are the exception. The right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can help train people and define the process.


Adjusting to the constant changes of the market and the way of selling it requires, it is vital not to lose competitiveness. In this guide about "how to develop a modern commercial area", we're going to talk about the challenges companies face today to close sales and manage their customers and how to deal with them in the best way. 


In this editorial content you'll find: 


  • The evolution of sales processes in time.
  • How to improve the performance of the sales team.
  • How to improve the customer experience during the commercial process and, therefore, make customers loyal to your brand permanently. 
  • How to increase the response to cold selling. 
  • The importance of the content and context of every prospect to strengthen sellers. 
  • How to minimize the manual entry of data through the automation of the commercial process.
  • How to align the sales and the marketing teams to boost the effect of automation. 
  • Methodologies to attract more customers, aligned with inbound marketing favoring the closing of sales. 
  • Among other topics... 


Undoubtedly, sales are key in any company because without them profitability wouldn't exist. This is why it is vital that you adapt your commercial process to the new realities and demands of your customers. It's time to make technology work for your business. 


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