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Contenido editorial

Project management software: 18 key factors to choose the right one

Methodology enhances the tool

The software tool adapts to your methodology to maximize efficiency and customization.



A company that designs, plans, and develops projects is a company that needs to be at the forefront of constant changes. To achieve gradual and sustainable growth, you need to develop a constant rhythm of internal change. 


It's very important to have a project management tool that's useful for:  
  • Planning on an intuitive calendar.
  • Managing your resources completely.
  • Planning depending tasks with subtasks.
  • Estimating hours of work. 
  • Monitoring the workload of your employees. 
  • Fostering teamwork. Employees can assign expenses, validate tasks, chat, attach files, etc. 
  • Giving advice and monitoring the status of the project constantly. 
  • Monitoring all the projects in the company from one platform. 



To find out what are the factors you need to take into account to choose a project management digital tool, please, fill in the form >>

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