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Artículos, noticias, casos de estudio y documentación sobre negocios. Únete a la comunidad de +50.000 suscriptores de todo el mundo.
Personas. Procesos. Tecnología.
Creemos que los procesos claros, con el apoyo de la tecnología adecuada, generan un entorno donde las personas trabajan más felices, y en consecuencia vuelve a tu empresa más productiva.
Contenido editorial
A modern commercial area is characterized by its strategic approach, customer orientation and agility to adapt.
Designing an effective commercial plan is vital for closing sales successfully. It does not only boost profitability but also guarantees the solid growth of your company, as regards the commercial challenges that the current market poses.
The commercial plan is a strategic document that describes the activities that will be carried out to achieve the established goals. Developing a commercial plan will allow you to know in advance the possible problems that may arise thanks to the analysis of different possible situations.
Among the factors you need to take into account to develop a good commercial plan, we can find:
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