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Recruitment: Nawaiam's offer

Written by Drew's editorial team | Aug 2, 2022 12:39:00 PM

Have you ever wondered when attending a traditional job interview that someday human resources recruiters would evaluate your skills through a video game? Probably not, right? Well, Nawaiam's offer is changing the paradigm of personnel selection in companies.

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For decades, the recruitment process was based on face-to-face interviews with candidates running for office. But the selection could extend too much, recruiters and candidates wasted a lot of time so that, in the end, the chosen ones were a few and the majority were discarded.

Undoubtedly, the curriculum was and continues to be the cover letter of applicants, which determines, in the first instance, who is selected to go on to the face-to-face interview. But over time and with the incorporation of new technological tools to manage different business processes, personnel selection also began to be digitized and even the interview process was modified.

In this context, the concept of Nawaiam is introduced to revolutionize the selection process and take it further, through artificial intelligence and data science to optimize the results of talent recruitment today. Throughout this article, we will explain what this technological bet based on video games is about to select candidates.


Nawaiam: the fun digital tool for personnel selection

The Nawaiam tool is a gamification application aimed at optimizing selection and hiring processes by defining critical professional profiles to facilitate the task of choosing in an objective and unconditional way.

In this way, Nawaiam appears as a playful alternative that seeks to detect natural behaviors in candidates that make the recruitment experience more real and accurate for both recruiters and candidates. Based on the actions, attitudes, and behaviors of people, it is intended to identify the ideal job profile for the contractor company.

This tool is aimed at presenting different alternatives for virtual experiences so that candidates respond honestly and naturally as if they were in a video game. Understanding that people in front of a video game console shed their mask of formality and correctness, this test reveals the true nature of people.

In this sense, the objective of this application is to break down barriers of ideal behaviors to make visible the behaviors that arise naturally in the people who agree to live the experience. This initiative will allow obtaining more precise results of the real profiles, corresponding to the candidates who present themselves for a job offer.

The game will allow you to discover different natural abilities in the same way and anticipate limitations on which to work to improve subsequent results. This helps people, regardless of whether recruiters choose them or not, to identify the aspects in which they are strongest as well as those in which they are weakest, to work on them based on improvement on a professional and personal level.

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Advantages of the selection of personnel offered by Nawaiam

The Nawaiam platform offers different advantages in the selection of personnel that can shorten physical and cultural barriers, evolving toward more inclusive hiring processes.

1. Greater inclusion of people.

One characteristic of the game is that it does not prejudge personally, so it gives people total freedom to be themselves and make their own decisions without any external influence. The different scenarios of the games relax the nerves and preconceived actions of simulation, bringing out the true personality.

2. Integration in the data.

Nawaiam contemplates distributed data and algorithm management in the game application and in the dashboard, which helps to personalize and organize the search for candidates to add to the immersive experience.

3. Time-saving.

It saves a lot of time in executing searches, as well as time in selecting suitable profiles therefore, it allows a significant cost reduction, thus increasing your competitive advantage over the traditional recruitment process.

4. Technological innovation.

The implementation of this tool in the human resources area digitizes the internal process while helping candidates to obtain a quick response to the decisions that generate their applications. As a technology, Nawaiam offers a solution tailored to the needs of recruiters and recruits.

5. Friendly experience.

Nawaiam's objective is to improve the personnel selection experience in a playful way that generates greater natural enthusiasm in those who take the test. Therefore, the predisposition will be more positive and genuine than if they represented a professional role model.

6. Sustainability.

As it is a 100% digital tool, the companies that implement it will be protecting the environment by not printing documents for their talent and human team management processes, also preventing people from traveling and generating carbon dioxide emissions.

7. Contactless.

Digital native companies, that is, those that are born digital, have the advantage of taking care of distances and respecting spaces. As it is an application, it can be downloaded from any mobile and from anywhere, overcoming geographical and physical barriers.

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In short, the Nawaiam digital tool is expressing a new way of recruiting talent that is much more efficient, faster, and effective, helping to improve human resource selection processes through digitization to discover profiles that are more in line with the needs of modern companies.