Blogs are as important to attract new customers to your company as the product you sell. In them, you write articles to satisfy a need or help somebody solve a problem because when people have a problem, they use Google to look for a solution.
When you write your articles fostering the SEO, i.e. taking into account search positioning or the optimization of search engines (Search Engine Optimization), there are some basic rules you should follow and put into practice so that your search engine positioning is higher and higher and your blog gets more people interested in the help you provide them by resolving some of their doubts.
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Now, let's take a look at those general rules to write your articles fostering the SEO:
The structure of each article should be divided into three parts and answer to the following questions:
Note: you can change the number of words according to the marketing requirements in accordance with the level of visitors' response. They can ask for more articles with fewer words or fewer articles in which you develop the topic in depth.
The title should be easy to read and the content should be about a particular topic. In order for the article to get acceptable information flow, it should contain more than 800 words; however, as we said before, this number can vary depending on the needs of the marketing team and the topic chosen, since you could have talked about it before so you may not have much information to add.
At the same time, you should signal the links to the texts and keywords used in the articles. On the other hand, the person in charge of uploading the articles to the blog should also be in charge of updating the links.
Surely, you have already noticed that there are well-defined parameters to write your articles fostering the SEO and that's why there are some things we don't recommend doing, such as adding too many links, depending on the length of the text. It's also incorrect to write a complete paragraph in bold letters; you should use short phrases leading up to links.
In case you want to include references, you should quote them in the text. As regards the length of the paragraphs, it's recommended they don't exceed 4 lines, so that you allow your reader to rest between paragraphs since the paragraphs that are too long are more difficult to read.
Once you have understood each of the previous points, you should assign copywriters the articles that they're going to write, define the topics, keywords, and abstract of the articles.
Copywriters are in charge of developing the content of the articles. They add each document to the corresponding folder, which contains a stock of articles with their deadlines and links to the documents on Google Drive.
Then, the designer adds images, tables, and graphs according to the articles that the Inbound Implementer sends to him/her based on the writer's requirements (writers can add images for reference). The person in charge of uploading the texts schedules the articles on HubSpot or the platform the company uses.
All the documents, images, etc. should be uploaded on Google Drive for greater safety. Finally, the process should be included as tasks and subtasks in a digital integration tool.
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Here, we have talked about 5 well-defined tips that will be very useful for you to write your articles fostering the SEO so that they add value for your audience and frequent visitors of your blog and to be successful in search engines.