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Efficient meetings, the key to unifying marketing and sales

Written by Drew's editorial team | Jan 19, 2022 6:23:27 PM

Unifying marketing and sales efforts is the first step in transforming your company into a more proactive one, but maintaining this new work dynamic over time is key to really generating results.

In previous articles, we have talked about the importance of unifying marketing and sales efforts to achieve better results in the company. And it is that these two areas tend to have a quite complicated relationship; these, in turn, have the potential to increase customers by interacting constantly and strategically in a concept called Smarketing. It has been calculated that companies that have good integration between marketing and sales achieve an increase of up to 20% in their income. However, despite many having understood the value that unifying marketing and sales efforts brings to their company, it can often be seen that the initial effort to integrate and align the two areas loses its momentum when trying to be sustained over time. Although unifying marketing and sales efforts presents certain challenges, maintaining this over time is the biggest challenge of all.

There are many strategies to generate continuity in Smarketing dynamics, but perhaps the most important is the communication strategy within the team, and for this, effective meetings between areas are key within that strategy.

But how can truly effective meetings be held for the Smarketing team? Here are some important points to consider when bringing teams together.


Meetings promote collaboration

Once the marketing and sales teams have been unified, it is essential that there be regularity in the meetings of each area. Regular meetings not only promote collaboration but also help leaders improve their Smarketing strategy together. Two types of meetings are usually recommended: A weekly meeting for day-to-day activities and a monthly meeting that develops more managerial issues.

Tips for an effective meeting

  • Choose a good time

    Even though meetings are important, you should be careful not to interfere with the work dynamics of each area. You have to choose schedules that are convenient for all participants and, at the same time, they need to have time for these meetings periodically. 

  • Short and to-the-point meetings

    The meetings should go straight to the point and for this reason, their duration should not exceed one hour. It is preferable to do it between 30 to 40 minutes.

  • Focus on problem-solving

    Key people from each area meet at these meetings and for this reason, they are the perfect setting for resolving things that are not working. Here a dynamic should be developed where the problem is presented, ideas are brainstormed about possible solutions, and finally, tasks are assigned to those responsible to evaluate the progress in the next meeting.

  • Select attendees

    Although meetings are spaces for integration, priority must be given to effectiveness through a careful selection of those who will attend them. You should always think about the key people in each area to meet the objective of each meeting.

  • Encourage the participation of all attendees

    Finally, meetings must be spaces for active participation. During these, it is very important to listen to the opinion of all the participants. For this reason, it must be guaranteed that everyone speaks in the same proportion.


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