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Discover the Power of the Enneagram in Hiring and Team Building

Written by Drew's editorial team | Oct 11, 2024 7:45:00 PM

The employee selection process has evolved over time, incorporating new tools that allow companies to more accurately identify candidates' skills and characteristics. Among these tools, the Enneagram stands out, a model that has gained popularity for its ability to classify different personality types. Learn here what the Enneagram is and how companies use it in their recruitment process within human resources, as well as the benefits this approach offers in forming more efficient and cohesive teams.

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality classification system that identifies nine main human temperaments, each with its own motivations, behaviors, and ways of interpreting the world. These nine types are organized in a diagram that shows how they interact with each other and which areas are prone to growth or stress. Although it dates back to ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions, it has recently been adopted in business and psychological fields to enhance the understanding of human behavior.

Each personality type within the Enneagram is marked by a set of strengths, weaknesses, motivations, and ways of handling challenges. For example, some types are more prone to leadership, while others excel in cooperation or critical analysis. This richness of profiles allows for a deeper understanding of individuals, making it a valuable tool for team development and talent management in companies.

Using the Enneagram in Recruitment

In the business context, the Enneagram is a tool that can be used in recruitment to assess candidates' personalities and determine whether they align with the organization's values and needs. Through tests and interviews based on the Enneagram, recruiters can identify which personality type corresponds to the candidate and how their strengths and weaknesses could impact their performance within a team or specific role.

Once a candidate's Enneagram type is identified, companies can assess how it aligns with the position they wish to fill. For instance, if a company needs a strong leader to lead a team, they will look for an Enneagram profile that has natural leadership and motivation skills. Conversely, for roles that require attention to detail or analysis, profiles with more analytical tendencies and precision will be sought.

Additionally, the Enneagram is not limited to recruitment. It can also be a useful tool to improve team dynamics within the organization. Knowing each team member's personality type allows leaders to assign tasks that maximize each individual's strengths and promote better communication and collaboration.


Benefits of Using the Enneagram in Recruitment

Using the Enneagram in recruitment offers several benefits that can significantly improve how companies select and develop their staff. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

Better Fit Between Candidate and Role

One of the biggest challenges in recruitment is ensuring that the candidate not only has the necessary technical skills but also the right personality type that fits the emotional and social demands of the role. The Enneagram facilitates this process by offering a more detailed view of the candidate's motivations and behaviors, allowing companies to select those who best fit the role's expectations.

Greater Team Cohesion

Knowing each team member's personality type allows managers to better manage interactions between colleagues. The Enneagram helps identify potential conflicts or frictions between personalities and fosters a work environment where differences are valued and leveraged. Creating more cohesive and complementary teams can improve productivity and reduce conflict-related stress.

Personal and Professional Development

The Enneagram is also useful for employees' personal development. By knowing their own Enneagram type, employees can identify their strengths and areas for growth, allowing them to work more effectively on their professional development. Additionally, leaders can use this information to offer personalized training and support, helping their employees reach their full potential.

Reduced Employee Turnover

When a candidate is selected who fits well with both the role and the company culture, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and remain with the organization in the long term. The Enneagram, by providing a clear view of candidates' personalities and motivations, can help reduce employee turnover by choosing individuals who are not only competent but also compatible with the work environment.

Better Leadership Decision-Making

Leaders and managers who use the Enneagram can make more informed decisions about assigning responsibilities within their team. By knowing their team members' personality traits, they can assign tasks that leverage their natural abilities and foster a work environment that promotes trust and effectiveness. Additionally, leaders can adjust their communication and management styles to meet the individual needs of team members, improving morale and performance.



The Enneagram is much more than a simple self-awareness tool; in the business world, it can be a key component in recruitment and developing high-performing teams. By providing a deep understanding of candidates' personalities, motivations, and behavioral dynamics, companies can make better decisions when hiring and assigning roles. Furthermore, by fostering a more cohesive work environment aligned with individual strengths, the Enneagram contributes to creating more productive and satisfied teams, which translates into greater long-term organizational success.