Drew | Business Concepts

What is IoT?

Written by Drew's editorial team | Nov 22, 2022 6:34:00 PM

IoT, for its acronym"Internet of Things", is a network of physical objects which can be connected through sensors and software to exchange data with devices and systems through the Internet.

In other words, it is a network of interconnection between devices, people, and the Internet. IoT allows you to capture information about usage and performance data, detect patterns and improve the user experience.

This technology is present in everyday life (for example, the connection between a smartphone and other smart devices), and even in industrial processes.


The emergence of IoT.

IoT as a concept emerged in 1999, thanks to Kevin Ashton, a pioneer in radio frequency identification work. Ashton, then director of Procter & Gamble, had the initiative to create a group of researchers based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), devoted to research on network radio frequency identification (RFID) and sensor technologies. 

However, it was not until ten years later, in 2009, that the term became known outside the research environment. The popularity came hand in hand with the growth of wireless connectivity, at the beginning of this century.

Until the end of the 20th century, Internet communications were possible only through code, so wireless networks were emerging. Already well into the first decade of the 21st century, we notice the explosion of interconnected targets, and the emergence of concepts such as WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) or M2M (Machine to Machine), to finally giving way to IoT.

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How does IoT work?

IoT devices connect with the procedure known as M2M, in which two devices communicate with each other by applying some type of connectivity either by WiFi or Bluetooth. This is possible thanks to the sensors located in the devices.

The sensors are responsible for receiving information from the environment and collecting the data, while the gateway enables connectivity with the sensors. Once the connection is established, a large amount of data is generated that is collected, processed, and analyzed. With these, you can obtain useful information about user habits and preferences.

IoT devices send data to a public or private cloud system before being processed. The software is programmed to act based on that stored data. In addition, these are analyzed to provide information that supports decision-making.

The final step is human-machine interaction (HMI), where users look at the data and do analysis. This instance serves to give information to users and allow them to change automated decisions when necessary.


IoT in industries.

Applying IoT has several advantages, including the application in the automation of quality controls, so the company can carry out tasks that were previously done manually, allowing the elimination of human errors. Its use is enhanced when combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions.

Another IoT application is inventory control since it can optimize it. Making a complete inventory is necessary for the use of plant resources, so IoT devices help control every aspect of it.

Likewise, IoT is applicable in security, that is, for the prevention of occupational risks. In this case, IoT systems provide this objective with data on air quality, the presence of toxic gases, temperature, and ventilation levels, among others.

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Advantages and disadvantages of IoT.

Implementing IoT systems has advantages in its industrial use since it improves efficiency due to the immediacy of the transmitted information, cost savings, as well as optimization and automation of processes.

The exchange of information quickly and in real-time is its greatest advantage, which is very important, for example in the security sector. In addition, IoT allows direct communication, for example, when manipulating distant elements through a smartphone.

However, applying this type of system entails a reorganization of telecommunications processes and systems, and therefore, an investment that requires money, time, and resources in its execution and its support.

Another disadvantage is that the information is not encrypted, so it is public access.



The development of IoT continues to multiply, with the appearance of new devices and new technologies. Other concepts such as Big data and Artificial Intelligence converge in its conception, complementing each other and enriching its operation.